Dog Bite Lawyer Denver CO
Have you recently been bitten by a dog? If so, you might be wondering whether or not you should find a dog bite lawyer in Denver, CO to help you. In general, if the dog was not yours and you were not provoking the dog in any way, it may be possible to recover compensation. These types of cases can be difficult; therefore, you should consider looking for an experienced dog bite lawyer.
Where to Find a Dog Bite Lawyer
Not every law firm handles dog, or animal bite cases. Therefore, if you plan to pursue legal action for your dog bite, you should find a dog bite lawyer who understands how to navigate these kinds of claims. At the Law Office of Richard J. Banta, P.C., we understand the repercussions of dog attacks and have successfully recovered ample sums of money for a large number of clients. Whether you were a postal worker who was attacked by a dog, the parent of a child who was bitten by a dog, or another party who was injured after a dog bite, please call our firm now.
Who May Be Liable After a Dog Bite
When you talk with our dog bite lawyers, you will be asked about what happened. Please do your best to remember all of the details, and be honest. The more information you can provide, the better we may be able to handle your claim. In general, if a dog bit you in public areas or on private property, and it has an owner, the owner may be responsible for compensating you. Scenarios that may lead to a dog bite could include:
- You were bitten while encountering the dog on a leash
- The dog became loose and you were bit
- You were on a third party property and were bitten
When you go to find a dog bite lawyer, please keep in mind that you may need to demonstrate that you did not attack or provoke the dog. Furthermore, if you were illegally trespassing or breaking and entering, filing a claim may not be possible.
Tips to Consider for Your Dog Bite Claim
Following the dog bite, and prior to finding a dog bite lawyer, you should consider the following:
- Take as many photos as possible
- Find out if there were any eyewitnesses and get their information
- File a police report
- Get medical attention
- Follow all of the doctor’s orders
Potential Injuries that Could Result After a Dog Bite
Dogs are considered to be man’s best friend, and most of them are loving and friendly. However, for whatever reason, some dogs are prone to attack. Depending on the circumstances, such as the size and breed of the dog, the injuries could be serious. As a leading dog bite lawyer, we have known of cases involving:
- Deep cuts and lacerations from the bite
- Tissue damage
- Broken and sprained bones
- Serious bruising
- Excessive bleeding
- Infection
- Neck, spine, or head damage
- Loss of limb (finger, toe, arm, or leg)
- Scarring
It is certainly possible for a dog bite attack to result in severe emotional trauma, including PTSD. If you or a loved one has been bitten by a dog, please find a dog bite lawyer who is ready to listen to what happened, such as the Law Office of Richard J. Banta, P.C.
Find the Right Dog Bite Lawyer
Even the friendliest of dogs can bite someone. Usually, when this happens, the dog owners will be shocked because their dog has never shown any aggressive behavior in the past. However, just like people, dogs can have their own bad days, too. Depending on the circumstances, a dog can even show aggression at the very people they are usually the most loving and loving to.
According to national statistics, the majority of dog bites occur by a dog that the victim lives in close proximity to, such as the family dog or neighbor’s dog. A Denver CO dog bite lawyer knows that a large portion of dog bite victims are children.
It is critical for everyone to realize – even dog owners – that every dog has the potential to bite no matter what their history or temperament is. If you have been bitten by a dog, you may need to find a dog bite lawyer in Denver, CO. Please call for assistance.
Why Do Dogs Bite?
There are a variety of reasons why a dog can bite. Some dog bites happen because the dog was not feeling well, or they were frightened by something. Unfortunately, dogs cannot articulate what they are feeling like people can. Instead, they communicate in other ways that there is something wrong. They may bark or growl. They may try to move away. Their fur may raise. These are all signs that there is something wrong from the dog’s perspective. Unfortunately, as a Denver Co dog bite lawyer can attest, too many people misread or fail to recognize these signs. The result is the dog feeling their only option is to bite.
There are steps that people can take to help avoid becoming a dog bite victim. These include the following:
How to Avoid a Bite
There are steps and precautions that can be taken to decrease the likelihood of a bite. Steps include the following:
- Always allow a dog to sniff your hand before petting it
- Always make sure there is an adult present when a child is playing with a dog
- Avoid making direct eye contact with a dog
- If a dog is eating or sleeping, leave it alone
- If a dog is taking care of their puppies, leave it alone
- If you do feel threatened, stay still if the dog approaches you
- Never approach a dog you do not know
- Never make fast or loud movements around a dog
- Report any stray dog to your municipality’s animal control division
If you are a victim of a dog bite, you will want to immediately address the wounds the bite has left. Even if you do not think it is a serious wound, you should still seek out medical care right away. A doctor can determine what damage has been done, as well as address any risks of infection or rabies. You should also contact the animal control division in the town the dog lives in.
The next step to take is finding a Denver CO dog bite lawyer.
Contact a Denver CO Dog Bite Lawyer Today
If you or a loved one has been injured by a dog, you should find a dog bite lawyer Denver CO families trust. Contact the Law Office of Richard J. Banta, P.C. today. Call our office to schedule a free and confidential case evaluation and find out how our legal team can help ensure your rights are protected and you get the financial compensation you deserve.
If you are looking to find a dog bite lawyer Denver CO residents deserve, it may be in your best interest to consider contacting the Law Office of Richard J. Banta, P.C. These types of cases require a combination of experience, reputation, and skill.
Thanks to state laws, the suffering that dog bite victims undergo is recognized by the courts. As a result, the law allows the to seek reparation under certain circumstances. This is true even when the owner claims that he or she had no prior knowledge of the aggressiveness of their dog or anticipated that the dog would attack and cause serious injuries. If you are a victim of a dog bite, you may be eligible to receive compensation for the following hardships:
- Serious injuries such as muscle tears and heavily bruised areas that result from the dog bite.
- Extensive and expensive medical care such as medication and surgery.
The following circumstances usually must be met:
- The dog wasn’t provoked by the victim such as by yelling or throwing stones at the dog.
- The victim didn’t trespass the privately owned area in which the dog was located.
The victim is less likely to receive any compensation if a nearby wall is marked “Beware of
Dog” or “No Trespassing.”
The most common form of damage is considered “economic damage” and in many cases, people are compensated for only this damage, and for far less than the total cost they have incurred. If you find a dog bite lawyer in Denver CO soon after the accident, you may get faster legal justice, compensation, and peace of mind. If you believe you deserve more compensation for your total loss than what the owner offered you, find a dog bite lawyer Denver CO is proud to have representing them.
If you are a dog bite victim in Denver find a dog bite lawyer you trust because you deserve to be compensated for the physical pain and financial stress resulting from this unwanted incident.
It is highly advisable to find a dog bite lawyer Denver CO proudly offers. At the Law Office of Richard J. Banta, P.C. we work hard to focus on the best interests of our clients and to resolve their case in a way that is most favorable to them.
If you are bitten by a dog in the Denver CO region, the first thing you should do is to report the incident to the animal control authority in your area. It is also advisable that you immediately call 911 for immediate medical care if necessary, and to ensure that the dog does not bite anyone else. If you are looking to find a dog bite lawyer Denver CO residents choose, contact the Law Office of Richard J. Banta, P.C. to initiative the legal process.
If you want to find a dog bite lawyer Denver CO has successfully been served by for a long time, call our office for your free consultation with the Law Office of Richard J. Banta, P.C. to resolve your case as efficiently and effectively as possible.
Frequently Asked Questions: Taking Legal Action for a Dog Bite
Dogs are often valued members of families. In some cases, people put a lot of trust into their dogs. As a result, it can be difficult for some dog owners to truly understand the fact that dog owners can be an integral part of the family. However, they are still animals. Dogs can be unpredictable and in some cases, may even become aggressive. As a result, they may bite someone, which can cause serious injuries to occur.
Following a dog bite, you will first want to be sure to seek medical attention for your injuries. In some cases, your next call should be to the Law Office of Richard J. Banta, P.C.. You may not realize that there may be legal recourse for the injuries you or your loved one have fallen victim to. In the wake of a dog bite, we know that you may be plagued with a number of questions. Our Denver, Colorado dog bite lawyers have provided you with some of the answers you may be in search of:
Who can be held liable for a dog bite accident?
If you have been bitten by a dog, you may be liable for compensation. If you had a right to be on the property and found yourself victim of a dog attack, a dog bite lawyer in Denver, CO can guide you in proving your legal claim.
What is needed to prove a dog bite case?
The idea of building a case against the responsible party can feel a bit overwhelming. Our Denver, CO dog bite lawyers at the Law Office of Richard J. Banta, P.C. can work closely with you to prove your case. Let us take the lead by assisting you in proving:
- There was a presence of duty of care
- There was a breach in the duty of care
- Injuries or damages resulted
- Injuries were the direct result of the dog bite
What evidence is needed to strengthen my legal claim?
Gathering as much evidence pertaining to the dog bite is key to strengthening your claim and receiving the compensation you are entitled to. It’s important that you gather evidence right from the start, which can include:
- Your written account of what happened
- Photographs of your injuries
- Medical bills
- Statements from eyewitnesses
Once you have gathered as much evidence as possible, you should bring it to your first meeting with our legal team. A dog bite lawyer in Denver, CO is standing by to guide you.
When should I contact the Law Office of Richard J. Banta, P.C.?
If you believe that the dog bite you or a loved one sustained was the result of negligence, one of your first calls should be to a dog bite lawyer in Denver, CO. We can work with you to help take the necessary measures within the statute of limitations. It will be important that you work with a legal professional to make sure that you:
- Receive the legal guidance you need
- Build a strong case
- Properly value your claim
- Understand the process ahead
- Negotiate a fair settlement offer
The Law Office of Richard J. Banta, P.C. knows that your wounds will eventually heal. However, there can be long term consequences to a dog bite. Victims stand to experience physical injuries that can leave scarring and even disfigurement. Hire an experienced law firm that Denver area accident victims turn to. Call the Law Office of Richard J. Banta, P.C. today to schedule your complimentary consultation with a dog bite lawyer in Denver, CO.