If a dog is showing aggressive behaviors, it is more likely that the animal will bite someone. This is why it is important for everyone to be aware of signs that indicate a dog is being aggressive and understand what precautions to take. If you are bitten by a dog, you will likely need to consult with the best animal bite lawyer in Denver, Colorado to find out what legal recourse you may have.
Signs of Dog Aggression
Any dog owner who has a dog that exhibits any of the following should seek professional help with a dog trainer immediately. As the best Denver, CO animal bit lawyer can attest, failure to address these issues could be deemed as negligence on the part of the dog owner if the animal should bite someone. If you are around a dog that is exhibiting these behaviors, it is best to leave the area and not approach the dog:
- The dog becomes rigid and still
- The dog charges or lunges at a someone with no provocation
- The dog growls
- The dog nips but leaves no marks
- The dog punches at a person with their nose
- The dog responds to a person with a low and deep bark
- The dog shows its teeth and gums
- The dog snaps
When a dog exhibits any of these behaviors, especially on a regular basis, there is a high likely-hood the animal will eventually bite someone.
Under Colorado law, the best animal bite lawyer in Denver CO may be able to pursue damages on behalf of the victim for whatever losses they suffered because of the animal attack. Some of the elements that are required include:
- The victim did not provoke the dog
- The victim was behaving in a calm and peaceful manner
- The victim was at a location legally and not breaking any laws
Some of the damages a victim can receive financial compensation for include:
- Medical expenses, including treatment for the wounds and plastic surgery if needed
- Loss of income from being unable to work during their recovery
- Pain and suffering
- Emotional distress
- Scarring
- Disfigurement
- Permanent disability
Contact a Denver CO Animal Bite Lawyer Today
If you have been the victim of a dog bite or attack, you may be asking yourself, “Who is the best animal bite lawyer Denver CO clients recommend?” You want a best dog bite lawyer Denver CO offers who will aggressively advocate for you, especially if the dog owner is trying to blame you for the unprovoked attack.
To schedule a free and confidential consultation with a member of our legal team, call The Law Office of Richard Banta, P.C. to schedule a free and confidential case evaluation and find out how our legal team can help ensure your rights are protected and you get the financial compensation you deserve.