There is a chance that if you have been in a recent car accident, you may have heard from an insurance claims adjuster that is seeking a recorded statement from you.
In some cases, a recorded statement from a person in a recent accident may speed along an investigation, which in turn may help both sides reach a settlement that is fair. In other cases, a recorded statement can hurt you, and may not be of benefit. There are some cases where insurance companies will use recorded statements against legitimate victims of accidents, all with the goal of preventing pay up.
Why Do Insurance Companies Seek Recorded Statements?
An insurance adjuster will often look for statement inconsistencies while investigating the events leading up to your injury, often inconsistencies from several statements that many people provide. The increased amount of story versions they have, the easier it is for them to sway and blur their own liable protocols. We must not forget that insurance companies are businesses at the end of the day, and they are often profit-driven. If they pay out less money to claims, the more profit they bring in, and the more they benefit.
The Process of Giving a Recorded Statement
Prior to giving a recorded statement, if you even choose to give one, you should consider researching what the entire process entails before agreeing and beginning. After you file your claim, an insurance adjuster will most likely contact you, inquire, and prompt you to give information about what occurred during your accident. In many cases, insurance adjusters approach victims in a kind, non-threatening manner, and may also ask for your permission to record the conversation. You may desire to speak with an attorney if you feel you have been recorded by an insurance adjuster without giving your consent.
The insurance adjuster may attempt to clarify the statements you are giving by asking additional questions, which is why it is crucial to analyze and think about what you are going to say before answering the questions. Some of these questions may be leading, and the insurance adjuster may have a goal of leading the conversation and your answers in a specific direction that could weaken or undermine your claim.
For instance, an insurance adjuster may try to ask questions about your confidence level in remembering specific details, and it could lead you toward admittance of a small error ir mistake you made during the accident. A small admission of guilt such as this could potentially delegitimize your entire claim.
Why Would You Choose To Decline a Recorded Statement
Before inquiring and speaking with a lawyer it is generally not recommended to give a recorded statement because there is the chance that you could accidentally make a statement that could be used to weaken your claim and case. Many insurance adjusters are seasoned and have experience. They are motivated to try and lead you in a direction of saying something that will decrease your chance of receiving fair compensation, or at the least, try and lower your claim amount.
In cases such as this, it might be in your best interest to decline the insurance adjuster’s initial request for a verbally recorded statement, and in turn, to offer a written statement instead. A written statement may allow you to select your words in a more careful fashion, and could prevent you from experiencing leading questions from your insurance company that could hinder your claim. Speaking with a lawyer would also give you an opportunity to learn about your options and routes to take legally.
If you have experienced and accident and would like to inquire about the claims process, it may be wise to reach out and contact a seasoned auto accident lawyer for counsel and help with your specific auto accident case.