Going through a separation and eventual divorce is one of the most challenging life events a person can endure. It is usually only behind the death of a loved one with the impact it leaves on you. Once you get through the process and the decree is finalized, you may believe you won’t ever have to go back to court again. However, some things may necessitate a return to the judge even after the divorce is finalized. Take a look at three things that may find you back in court with your ex.
- They Fail to Send Support Payments
If your ex is court-ordered to send you support payments and they don’t, you have the right to enforce the order. This goes for alimony or spousal support and child support payments. You may have a couple of options before getting to the judge. First, you may be able to go through your state collection center for child support and alimony. Doing this will necessitate you to open a case. Once they validate that you are owed money, you may be able to request that they remove it directly from your ex-spouse’s paycheck. Other measures that the state may take if an ex will not pay up include license suspension, bank account garnishment, tax refund intercept, and arrest.
- They Violate the Parenting Plan Schedule
You and your spouse hashed out the parenting plan before your divorce. In it, you created a schedule that worked for your children and both parents. However, your ex has continued to violate the schedule and some of the other provisions contained in the plan. Whenever you try to communicate your frustration, you are met with excuses. If your parenting plan is not working, you may need to go back to court to fix it. While the plans will likely evolve, parents are expected to stick to what they agreed on during the divorce. It is not within the best interests of the kids for parents to not follow the schedule.
- They Do Not Relinquish Agreed-Upon Assets
When your divorce was finalized, you were assigned a portion of your ex’s retirement account. As of now, they still have not done what is required to get your share to you. If your ex does not give you the assets you were ordered to receive, take a trip to the courthouse. A judge can order further compensation and penalties.
If you didn’t have a divorce lawyer, like a divorce lawyer from the Law Office of Daniel J Wright, you might want to speak to one. When it comes to enforcement after divorce, your state laws may dictate the path you need to take.